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Figure Photography

Figure photography is a newer hobby I am exploring. It has challenged me to look at how I view the world differently, as I can now create small scenes within environments around me and understand the practicality of bringing them to life. Its been a very freeing experience and has brought me a lot of joy and a sense of accomplishment, and something I look forward to continuing to develop. 

Sir Dork - Monthly prompt challenges

One thing that has helped me with developing my skills with figure photography has been the monthly prompt challenges from photographer Sir Dork. Each month he will give a prompt for figure photography, and then showcase 100 of the entries in a livestream to help give visibility to smaller creators. This has been a fun way to broaden my horizons with this medium and something I have kept up consistently so far. 

Dingle - Star Wars Photography

This was my first proper figure photography project. During my third year of Animation I had the chance to attend the Dingle Animation film festival in Ireland, as one of the films I worked on was nominated. This was also a filming location in 'Star Wars - Episode VIII: The Last Jedi', and as such I was able to take pictures of characters in one of the locations in the film. I attempted to construct a loose narrative based on the film with the resources I had availible, and has ultimately been one of my favourite experiences to date. 

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